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Heroes & Patriots Testimonials

Housing Professionals Testimonials

Sean Real Estate Agent
As a patriot, I am compelled to give back to our veterans in honor of the many sacrifices they endured to support our nation. Given appropriate education, time, and resources we can reduce veteran homelessness and make a difference in our local communities - one veteran at a time.

John Real Estate Agent
I am a veteran and I see how many realtors/lenders who don’t have the clients best interest in mind. I want to better educate them and hopefully, they will do it for the outcome not the income.

Kevin Real Estate Agent
I love the fact that it addresses education for Veterans, in regards to Homeownership, with a passion.

HUD Counseling Testimonials

David H. Veteran
“I would recommend USA Homeownership Foundation to anybody. In my case it saved my home.”

Treashun L. Veteran
"I feel much better now that I came to USA Homeownership Foundation based on the fact that there was no cost and I am in a position to go on and pay my house payment at a manageable rate now. I feel much more successful than before I started on my own."

George C. Veteran
“Since we moved into the house, my credit score has improved. We are able to save money due to this program and things just started moving in the right track.”

Kyle Veteran
“VAREP has opened up a lot of doors of opportunity for me and I hope that they can do that for many Veterans in the future.”

Nicholas Veteran
“My life has changed drastically since we moved in this house. It’s been somewhat of a one blessing after another after another. My savings have increased drastically, I have been able to pay so much off on my credit. Since we’ve been here, it’s made us all very happy.”

Kristina Veteran
“VAREP says YES to their Veterans. They say YES we can and they say YES we will. I actually experience the power of VAREP for myself. Call VAREP, they will show you and they will guide you.”